Sign of the Unicorn (Chronicles of Amber Series #3)

Sign of the Unicorn - Roger Zelazny Number three in the Amber Chronicles, Sign of the Unicorn is a much more engrossing addition to the series than the previous two Amber books. It's a more compelling novel, with fast-paced adventures and familial murder plots and schemes. The suspense that has been increased and built up in each successive novel is a key force in this novel, most notably when the entire surviving family gathers together in Amber. The writing is engaging and inspired; the rising action in the novel is done well, with each character forever allying with and plotting against the others. There is more political maneuvering and posturing among the Amberites than in the previous novels. This is largely because it takes place in Amber, after the fight for the throne and thus everyone must scheme for new advantages in the new regime.Corwin's siblings play a more larger role in this book, which was a benefit to the story. Instead of general impressions of his siblings, Zelazny reveals more and more about each, and what they have done to be where they are now and what they plan to do to Amber in the future. The twists and turns, the revelations and betrayals are what makes Amber fun to read and worth finishing.More of my reviews here: